Free Download – 100 Expert Tips For Building Success


Builders, Pay Attention!

Unlock the potential of your building business with 100 expert tips sourced from successful Australian builders. This invaluable resource is available for free download!

Imagine the possibilities when a group of industry experts collaborates. The result? A comprehensive guide designed to help builders expand their businesses.

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What is Annual Leave Loading?

Annual leave loading (leave loading) is an extra payment give on top of annual leave to pay, which is usually 17.5% (but may be higher depending on the award or agreement).

Dating back to the 1970s, leave loading was introduced to compensate employees for being unable to access overtime and shift penalties when on annual leave, resulting in a reduction in take home pa

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Employee Mental Health

As an employer it is probable that you will manage/or even already have managed an employee that is impacted by mental health. Mental health issues significantly increased during the pandemic and research says that at least one in five people will experience a mental health issue every year. As an employer it is important to check in with your employees, to take the matter seriously and pro

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As a community we have become a lot more aware of the impact of bullying and the need to prevent it. From primary school age, children are now encouraged to stand up to bullies and in the workplace, there is a strong focus on preventing bullying behaviour. This is a good thing. The flip side is that ‘bullying’ is a term that gets bandied about, often inappropriately. Many managers that I speak to are nervous about managing poor performance or intervening in situations because they are unsure if the behaviour they are
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An HR Review can help mitigate the risk to your business!  

There has been a significant rise in employee claims since the Fair Work Act was introduced, back in 2009.  Many businesses, regardless of their size, have suffered the dire financial consequences of being pulled through the Fair Work ringer. This may have occurred as a result of underpayment of wages, unfair dismissal claims or adverse action claims, to name but a few.<

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How well does your workplace respond to an emergency? It is a well-established fact that companies which are not compliant in terms of first aid readiness are more likely to suffer grave repercussions. This is from both business and legal perspectives. The hours of manpower lost and cost of healthcare can actually be minimal compared to monetary penalties imposed by government agencies for non-compliance to set rules. Contributor Katrina McKinnon explains further.... The WHS Act mandates any business or en
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Are you silly or sensible when it comes to managing staff behaviour at public events in the festive season?

Everyone wants to have fun at social events however there are risks that are associated with staff attending events that you host or that you and your company are invited to.  Whether the event is at your office, your home or venue and employees are required or encourages to be present, the employer’s obligations under the Work, Health and Safety Legislation remain the same.  Not only is there a Health an
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OHS Key Points of Interest

Recently there have been a few different cases around OHS issues we thought it was worth summarising some of the key learnings.

OHS Key Points of Interest

  • Safe operating procedures for your business are essential.
  • Stay focused on your hazard identification and risk assessment process.
  • Your employees must be inducted and trained in your safe operating procedures.
  • Do not stop communicating and reinforcing your messages.
  • As the leaders of your organisation,
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Worksafe Study in Manufacturing

Manufacturing industry report – key findings by Worksafe Australia The positives
  • have a health and safety policy;
  • have procedures for reporting health and safety injuries and illnesses;
  • provide their workers with health and safety training; and
  • have procedures in place to control hazards
  • most workers and employers believe there is good communication of health and safety issues,
  • majority of workers reported following correct healt
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