Free Download – 100 Expert Tips For Building Success


Builders, Pay Attention!

Unlock the potential of your building business with 100 expert tips sourced from successful Australian builders. This invaluable resource is available for free download!

Imagine the possibilities when a group of industry experts collaborates. The result? A comprehensive guide designed to help builders expand their businesses.

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Public Holidays over Christmas/New Year 

With the festive season fast approaching, it is important to understand employee entitlements regarding public holidays. 

Full-time and part-time employees who have time off on public holidays are paid their base rate of pay for the ordinary hours they would have worked, had it not been for the public holiday. However, a part-tim

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What is Annual Leave Loading?

Annual leave loading (leave loading) is an extra payment give on top of annual leave to pay, which is usually 17.5% (but may be higher depending on the award or agreement).

Dating back to the 1970s, leave loading was introduced to compensate employees for being unable to access overtime and shift penalties when on annual leave, resulting in a reduction in take home pa

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If you are a Franchisor, you may be interested in the news that last Friday 14 June, 2018 the Fair Work Ombudsman released a “Guide to promoting workplace compliance in your franchise network”. The guide reflects the Protecting Vulnerable Workers Act 2017 that introduced provisions for Franchisors to be accountable in some circumstances if their Franchisees do not follow workplace law, (in many instances meaning HR obligations). HR Central has been working consistently with Franchisors to provide tailored HR processes
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As a community we have become a lot more aware of the impact of bullying and the need to prevent it. From primary school age, children are now encouraged to stand up to bullies and in the workplace, there is a strong focus on preventing bullying behaviour. This is a good thing. The flip side is that ‘bullying’ is a term that gets bandied about, often inappropriately. Many managers that I speak to are nervous about managing poor performance or intervening in situations because they are unsure if the behaviour they are
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‘Why do we need a bullying policy? We all get on like a house on fire’ is something I’ve heard numerous times over the years from business owners, whenever the word policies is mentioned.

There are three good reasons why your business should have a suite of workplace policies: 1. They set the standard of behaviour and performance expected of employees and provide clear parameters around what is and isn’t acceptable in your workplace. 2. They reduce the risk of problems in the workplace. Employees know
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Across Australia, in any industry or workplace, you will meet Employers dealing with poor performance from their team members. The impacts of this can have far reaching consequences, and if left untreated, can severely damage the spirit and future performance of your team.

According to recent studies, the most common causes of poor performance are absenteeism, lateness and inconsistent standards of work related tasks and duties.

Research suggests that absenteeism costs
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Bustling markets, rich in character and ripe with the aroma of traditional street food. White sand beaches, hot underfoot with crystal clear oceans gleaming in the sun light. There is no doubt that we all enjoy taking some well-deserved annual leave and heading off for a bit of R&R or on a whirlwind adventure. In the excitement of counting down to the big day, it can be easy to focus more on the trip ahead, and forget about the team and clients/customers you will be leaving behind. En

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Top 7 ways to improve Workplace Productivity

As Australians, we work very hard however productivity, innovation and efficiency are always key in the workplace.  So how can we be more productive?  There are many ways we can do this and there is not a one size fits all but here are a few tips to increase workplace productivity. 

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More and more people in the Australian business world are hearing about the uses of workplace mediation as a useful alternative to litigation in resolving disputes between employees, between employees and management, or between the company and its customers. Some companies have even instituted the use of mediation as a company policy, to be used as a first line of defence in the hopes that conflicts will not escalate into costly, and at times damaging court cases.

Mediation can solve workplace conflicts?

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