Delegates Rights Terms in Awards and Reminder on Super and Wage Increases from 1st July 2024


The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has released a delegates' rights term which has been inserted into every modern award. These have taken effect from 1 July 2024.

The FWC has also inserted an interaction clause into 38 modern awards, which already had existing clauses dealing with delegate rights. This clause states that where an existing workplace delegates' clause is more favourable than the new delegates' rights clause term, then the existing claus

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Aside from the wage and super increases, as we come into the new financial year there are other changes and to-do tasks that employers need to be aware of.

1. Updated Pay Guides and Award Wage Increase

Every year Fair Work produce modern award pay guides that list the updated weekly and hourly rates and allowances that incorporate the national minimum wage increase. Fair Work hav

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As we come into the new financial year there are a number of changes to wages and superannuation payments that employers need to be aware of. Please read the information below carefully.  

Superannuation Guarantee Rate Increase 1 July 2024 

The Australian Taxation Office has announced that the Super Guarantee rate will increase from 11% to 11.5% from 1 July 2024.&n

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 Misclassification poses significant risks for both employers and workers. 

Constructing appropriate workplace agreements involves correctly classifying workers as either employees or contractors. This determination has significant legal and financial implications. Misclassification, where an employee is erroneously designated as a contractor, can lead to liabilities under the Fair Work Act (2009). It's essential to understand that the mere stipu

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The Festive Season is just around the corner and many businesses are now looking to recruit their seasonal workforce. 

The most flexible way to achieve this is to employ casual staff. Casuals are employed ad-hoc and as needed, making them ideal for seasonal roles in various industries. 

It is important that employers are aware of their obligations when employing casual staff such as the

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What is Annual Leave Loading?

Annual leave loading (leave loading) is an extra payment give on top of annual leave to pay, which is usually 17.5% (but may be higher depending on the award or agreement).

Dating back to the 1970s, leave loading was introduced to compensate employees for being unable to access overtime and shift penalties when on annual leave, resulting in a reduction in take home pa

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The Fair Work Commission has announced steps that an employer may need to take to ensure against potential underpayments to employees when paid an annual salary under certain Modern Awards (see which Awards below).  This is because extra hours people are working (potentially weekend and overtime) are possibly not being taken into consideration. The new rules start from the first full pay period on or after 1 March 2020. (So for example, an employee whose fortnightly pay was Thursday, 27 February 2020, these rules would
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With over 122 Modern Awards with multiple classifications, understanding pay rates can be difficult.

Calculating the wrong pay rates can result in costly fines and back payments to your employees.

Recently, a business on Sydney’s north shore has had to back-paid three young employees almost $35,000.  The business told Fair Work inspectors it was not aware the correct pay rates and the extent of its obligations.  An expensive way to find out. As Fair Work constantly says, "operators need to make an
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Almost $100,000 back-paid to workers in Melbourne’s South and South-Eastern suburbs Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James says the underpayments should serve to remind all employers about how important it is for them to take the time to ensure they are aware of the minimum pay rates applicable to their staff. “A small mistake left over time can easily result in a hefty bill for back-payment of wages – so it is important employers get it right in the first place,” she said. Recent recoveries include: <
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