End of Year Celebrations – Having Fun Whilst Managing Risk

The end of the year is fast approaching and so too is the infamous end of year celebrations such as the company Christmas Party.  After a long and busy year, these celebrations are the perfect time to reward your staff with a fund and engaging event where they can relax a little and enjoy themselves.  However, often these celebrations can go wrong and employees can clown around, drink too much and do and say things they normally wouldn't. Let's drink to be merry can sometimes have dire consequences... If you have heard
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Are you silly or sensible when it comes to managing staff behaviour at public events in the festive season?

Everyone wants to have fun at social events however there are risks that are associated with staff attending events that you host or that you and your company are invited to.  Whether the event is at your office, your home or venue and employees are required or encourages to be present, the employer’s obligations under the Work, Health and Safety Legislation remain the same.  Not only is there a Health an
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