Your HR in 2018!

2018 is now here and with the merriment of Christmas a distant memory, the New Year is the perfect time to set up your HR to ensure optimal productivity from the get go. There are a number of simple yet effective ways to make your HR work for you.  Here are some great tips on how to start your year with a bang! Policies, Processes, Performance oh my! Without effective processes in place, businesses are doomed. Too often as HR Specialists we see such a lack of systems, processes and policies relatin
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Recently one of my Clients called me and asked “How can we turn our toxic culture into a positive, when we have existed with a bad one for so long?”  It’s a common problem, and one that if not rectified can have major ramifications for your business.  So what happens when the culture in your busin
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Recently HR Central facilitated a Bulk Recruiting evening for one of our Clients, a leading Telecommunications Store based in regional Victoria.  Our original recruitment process consisted of writing a job ad, posting the ad on Seek or alternative media, shortlisting, interviews, reference checking and offers, and while we experienced great success with this, we were finding the process to take longer than expecte
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With the Silly Season fast approaching, many businesses are now readying themselves for the end of year festivities and a well-earned break. Work pressures can decrease and people tend to be more relaxed as we head to the end of the year.  But, with the jingle of bells there can be staff problems relating to a multitude of things, such as inappropriate behaviour at the Christmas party, a careless Social Post, and a big one - too many employees taking holidays at the same time, leaving your business unde
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Oprah Winfrey says, “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the light inside yourself.”   A mentor is someone who has experience and wisdom in bucket loads and can help you in navigating the corporate jungle without getting downtrodden or disheartened.  Whether you are a new employee or a CEO, having a good mentor will help you not only advance and excel in your career, but also achieve more positivity in
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A spring clean isn't just reserved  for the house or the garden shed, you CAN also have an HR Spring Clean!  Read more... Spring is in the air after what feels like a longgggg Winter- it’s time to bust open the doors, blow away the flu germs and say hello to a good old spring clean.Spring is also a great time to clean out the HR side of your business, whether that’s getting your policies and procedures updated and modernised, your employee job descriptions current or employment documents legislated for the times. Yo
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Team Building, is it?  Picture this: You are up in the trees, clinging for dear life. “Jump!” your teammates on the ground are screaming. “You can do it!” You close your eyes and let go, swinging through the high ropes course that your Employer has thought to be a wonderful team building exercise. Heights are your biggest fear. You feel no love for your team at this point, and far less for your Employer! It may be funny to read, but many companies really do put their employees through programs such as th
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Too often when things get financially tight in business, the importance of training tends to slip down the rungs...However, this is not necessarily a sound strategic move for businesses trying to succeed in a competitive industry. Why invest in employee training during economically challenging times? The short answer is because training and developing your employees could be critical to the future success of your organisation. Training has come a long way. It’s not just about obtaining a University degree or Tafe dip
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Across Australia, in any industry or workplace, you will meet Employers dealing with poor performance from their team members. The impacts of this can have far reaching consequences, and if left untreated, can severely damage the spirit and future performance of your team.

According to recent studies, the most common causes of poor performance are absenteeism, lateness and inconsistent standards of work related tasks and duties.

Research suggests that absenteeism costs
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