Are you ready for Single Touch Payroll?

Single Touch Payroll is applicable to all Australian businesses with 20 plus staff as of 1 July 2018. Employers eligible need to perform a head count of all their staff as of 1 April and to keep a record of this on file. Businesses with 19 or less staff do not have to report until 1 July 2019 (unless they want to opt in) so they can breathe easier for another year. The head count should only include full-time, part-time, overseas staff, any employees absent or on leave (paid or unpaid). Casual and seasonal workers who are
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Top 7 ways to improve Workplace Productivity

As Australians, we work very hard however productivity, innovation and efficiency are always key in the workplace.  So how can we be more productive?  There are many ways we can do this and there is not a one size fits all but here are a few tips to increase workplace productivity. 

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