Hiring Secrets and Sins – what to keep in mind

Recruiting new staff quickly often leads to hiring mistakes, and these are very expensive to clean up.  Staff turnover also has an impact on the morale of remaining employees and your business' employment brand. HR Central Specialist, Emily Manley writes in the the Sydney Morning Herald, Small Business article, some considerations to keep in mind when hiring new staff:
  • Look within your existing team
  • Focus on attitude, not just on skills
  • Don't rely on just one assessment method - t
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Spring is nearly upon us and what better time to review your people processes? Running a business is all consuming and there are countless distractions that take your time and attention away.  As the old saying goes business owners are “too busy working in the business to work on the business”. It doesn’t have to be that way though. With a bit of planning and consideration, you can improve your businesses HR processes and the satisfaction of your employees – which will save you time and money in
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