The Importance of staying Relevant in HR.


Is HR at risk of becoming redundant?

What does HR even mean in today’s ever-changing business and people landscape?  Fast moving technological advances. People working from home, the beach, or their beds as a result of technology streamlining. Technological advances replacing the need for people to fulfil foundational Human Resource practices. There is now competition for exceptional talent, which continues to be a challenge and thus businesses have their work cut out for them. However, this i
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In this post, I’m going to attempt to peel back the curtain on something that most people have heard about, but might not fully understand – the Cloud.

So, what exactly is the Cloud?

Well, that can be a tricky question to answer, as the Cloud can be many things to many different people. Simply put, the Cloud is about making internet hosting accessible to more people. When the internet was first becoming popular, it was very costly to have any sort of presence. You would first have to buy your own hardware
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