
Builders, Pay Attention!

Unlock the potential of your building business with 100 expert tips sourced from successful Australian builders. This invaluable resource is available for free download!

Imagine the possibilities when a group of industry experts collaborates. The result? A comprehensive guide designed to help builders expand their businesses.

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The Festive Season is just around the corner and many businesses are now looking to recruit their seasonal workforce. 

The most flexible way to achieve this is to employ casual staff. Casuals are employed ad-hoc and as needed, making them ideal for seasonal roles in various industries. 

It is important that employers are aware of their obligations when employing casual staff such as the

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Public Holidays over Christmas/New Year 

With the festive season fast approaching, it is important to understand employee entitlements regarding public holidays. 

Full-time and part-time employees who have time off on public holidays are paid their base rate of pay for the ordinary hours they would have worked, had it not been for the public holiday. However, a part-tim

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What is Annual Leave Loading?

Annual leave loading (leave loading) is an extra payment give on top of annual leave to pay, which is usually 17.5% (but may be higher depending on the award or agreement).

Dating back to the 1970s, leave loading was introduced to compensate employees for being unable to access overtime and shift penalties when on annual leave, resulting in a reduction in take home pa

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In June 2022, the Fair Work Commission announced a 5.2% increase to the national minimum wage and a 4.6% rise to award minimum wages, subject to a minimum increase for adult award classifications of $40 per week.

This two-tiered approach aimed to protect the real value of wages of the lowest paid workers. It took into consideration the sharp rise in the cost of living, including the outlook for inflation, and the strengthening of the labour market.

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Employee Mental Health

As an employer it is probable that you will manage/or even already have managed an employee that is impacted by mental health. Mental health issues significantly increased during the pandemic and research says that at least one in five people will experience a mental health issue every year. As an employer it is important to check in with your employees, to take the matter seriously and pro

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Let’s start off by understanding what actually is a performance review (or performance appraisal)?

A performance review is a formal meeting between an employee and their manager.  During this meeting both parties provide feedback, discuss achievements and development areas. 

Performance reviews can be often of time of anxiety for the employee and time consumi

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We are frequently asked for advice and support re how to manage the impact of employee sickness and unplanned absence from work.

Prior to the pandemic, in a survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in February 2020, Australian businesses lose on average $303 per day due to costs associated with absenteeism. The Australian Human Resources Institute also estimate that employees take 8.8 unplanned days per year, costing the Australian e

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At times in my life when things have not worked out quite as planned, I have heard the words or even said them myself, "everyone has 2020 hindsight". This clever combination of the 20/20 measure of visual acuity intertwined with the fact that we only understand a situation once it has occurred, has been, personally, a relatively positive way to move past a disappointment, failure, or loss. Recently I have thought it was even more fitting given the fact that the year 2020 will never be forgotten. It will forever be in our h
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Jobkeeper extended until March 2021. In July 2020, the Federal Government announced an extension of the Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits), referred to as Jobkeeper and JobSeeker.  Jobkeeper was originally due to cease at the end of September, 2020 but will now continue until March 2021. This should be seen as a relief for many businesses that are wanting to continue to operate, but have been damaged financially by the operational restrictions put in place in order to curb the virus. Howeve
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