Help new starters from day one. Get your induction right.


Help new starters from day one. Get your induction right.

Induction….the word has an almost clinical feel to it.  But it should be as far from clinical as possible to ensure that the best first impression is made on your new star recruit.  A fabulous induction process should set the scene for a successful and high performing employee to thrive in your business.  Comparatively, a poor induction process does the opposite and the new employee can come away frustrated, disappointed and disillusioned.  This is all before they have had a chance to settle into their new role!

Starting a new job can be stressful, so it’s great if you can make new people feel motivated and engaged the minute they step through the door. A considered induction will better equip them for what’s likely to be a steep learning curve. It also offers you the perfect chance to review their skills and knowledge, and identify any development needs they may have.

A good induction program should be interactive!

A good induction program, like any good training program, should be interactive. Employees should be invited to discuss and respond to information.

The best way to help your employee retain the information they learn, is to not just talk at them.  Make their learning fun and interactive, this can include using:

  • Quizzes
  • Treasure hunts
  • Scenarios
  • Mind map exercises
  • Videos

The training environment should be a relaxing, fun environment to make new employees feel comfortable.  Making new employees comfortable with their induction will allow them to open up, ask questions and take in new information.  Furthermore, this is especially important as most people may be suffering from first-day nerves.

The most effective induction programs are individually tailored containing a variety of methods of delivery. Inductions that are organised and delivered provides a positive first proper impression of the organisation. Inductions requires planning, structure, a timetable and a checklist. The manager, new starter and any individuals contributing to the induction process, such as the training officer, human resources, trade unions, payroll, all need to be aware of what is happening, where and when.

Delivering induction programs can be done using a range of methods:

  • Presentation
  • Internet and e-learning
  • On the job coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Shadowing

Furthermore,if you treat the induction like any other developmental and coaching event you’ll be demonstrating and modelling the culture and not just giving hard facts and data. When you engage a range of senses you cater for all learning styles, personality preferences and levels of experience, and you’ll inspire people to engage right at the start. Additionally,  by changing the focus from information-giving to information-seeking, you’ll be setting a really positive tone for the future.

So what would you like your new recruits to remember about their induction if you asked them a year down the track?

HR Central

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