Termination – Notice Periods

Termination – Notice Periods

A doctor has won $20,000 in compensation after the hospital he was working for failed to give him clear and adequate notice of his termination. The doctor was employed by Frankston Hospital in Victoria on a five-year fixed term contract which expired in early November 2014.

Following this expiry, the doctor continued to work and perform his normal duties. However, hospital management failed to clearly inform him of his termination until the end of January 2015, giving him only one months notice. Under the Victorian Public Health Sector Medical Specialist Enterprise Agreement 2013, the Health Service is required to provide three months’ notice of termination.

Fair Work Commissioner Wilson said the evidence showed that the hospital had failed to clearly notify the doctor of his termination until January, and then had failed to follow the terms of the enterprise agreement for three months’ notice.

All businesses must make themselves aware of the notice periods required to terminate any of their employees.

Michael O'Shaughnessy

Michael is a specialist in all things HR. With vast HR experience in the USA and Australia, Michael brings a wealth of knowledge and advice to HR Central. When he's not blogging for HR Central you can find him out for dinner in one of Melbourne's newest restaurants.

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