Manufacturing industry report – key findings by Worksafe Australia
The positives
- have a health and safety policy;
- have procedures for reporting health and safety injuries and illnesses;
- provide their workers with health and safety training; and
- have procedures in place to control hazards
- most workers and employers believe there is good communication of health and safety issues,
- majority of workers reported following correct health and safety procedures ie PPE
The negatives
- small proportion of employers said that corrective action is not always taken when health and safety issues are raised;
- about 13% of employers and 30% of workers believe that risks are unavoidable in the workplace;
- around 14% of workers who were exposed to hazards reported no control measures for those hazards; and
Summary: a higher proportion of workers from manufacturing reported exposure to airborne hazards, noise and vibration compared to workers in other industries
Question to ask: am I doing all I can as an Employer in area of OHS?