An HR Review can help mitigate the risk to your business!
There has been a significant rise in employee claims since the Fair Work Act was introduced, back in 2009. Many businesses, regardless of their size, have suffered the dire financial consequences of being pulled through the Fair Work ringer. This may have occurred as a result of underpayment of wages, unfair dismissal claims or adverse action claims, to name but a few.
If HR compliance hasn’t been on your radar to date, you need to change that as soon as possible. Everyone gets caught up with what seems like greater business priorities. Not making the time for this aspect of your business could see you financially burdened with massive fines. These large fines could really hurt your business and even result in you having to close up shop.
If you are a business employing staff, ask yourself the following questions:
1. Do you know what modern awards cover and apply to your employees?
2. Do you maintain accurate records of employee leave entitlements?
3. Do you know what the rates of pay are for your industry?
4. Do your employees get a pay slip that has all of the required information?
5. Do your employee receive their payslips within one working day of them being paid?
6. Do you provide your new employees with a copy of the Fair Work information statement?
7. Do you have HR policies and training in place for key HR compliance areas such as EEO, OH&S and bullying and harassment?
If you answered no to any of the above, you need to undertake an HR Review
An HR Review will assess all the areas of your HR function, from compliance to employee attraction, engagement and retention.
The outcome will be a risk profile that will highlight the areas that need to be addressed ASAP to ensure that you don’t come to the attention of Fair Work. An HR Review can be a fast, effective and inexpensive way to get your HR up to scratch….before it is too late.
If you don’t have HR capability in house to undertake this exercise, engage an HR expert (such as HR Central) to manage this process on your businesses’ behalf.