The Importance of Feedback in the Workplace

Feedback that is constructive is vital to employees’ ongoing development.  Feedback clarifies expectations, helps people learn from their mistakes and builds confidence. Positive feedback is easy – it’s not hard to find the right words to tell someone they’ve done a good job, or congratulate them on meeting a sales target. When things are going well it can be easy to become complacent about giving praise but stopping and smelling the roses is important to build employee confidence and encourage a culture in whic
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Your business is what you do best, it's what you know and what you work hard at.  But, managing people and being faced with employee HR questions?  Some of them are tricky, difficult and in most cases not something that business owners know enough about to give the right answer.  Infact, many business owners/managers will pretty quickly turn the other way when the topic of Human Resources is raised.  So, how do you deal with employee relations questions? What do you do whe
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